Services we offer
We focus on offering solutions that add the most value to our customers.
Blockchain service
From banking to healthcare, blockchain solutions have proven their worth everywhere.
OUR EXPERTISE- Proof of concept
- DApps
- Blockchain integration
- Crypto tokens
- Smart contracts
- Crypto wallets
Software development
We will walk with you from the idea stage to the development of final product.
OUR EXPERTISE- API development
- Marketing tools integration
- Blockchain integration
- Chat bot integration
- IoT integration
Akeo Tech-Start
Nurturing ideas to grow from the simplest concept to an elaborate and viable plan.
OUR EXPERTISE- Concept development
- Blockchain integration
- Scaling technology
- Developing MVP
- Integrating relevant technology
Featured insights
Web3 to end the domination of web giants
The seeds of Web3 were sowed in the year 1991, when scientists W. Scott Stornetta and Stuart Haber launched the first blockchain — a project to time-stamp digital documents. But the idea didn’t really take root until 2009, when Bitcoin was launched in the wake of the...
Tech Terms 101
The technology world is ever evolving and with this change comes in terminologies which sometimes aren't easy to understand. Even if we are working in the tech-world, these terminologies seem alien to us or may be unheard of. As we encounter these common, un-common as...
Metaverse and Web 3.0 are not synonyms – here’s the difference
The Internet these days is buzzing with new technology terms. Two terms that are attracting the most number of eyeballs and keeping the chat alive on Social Media platforms are Web 3.0 (often called web3) and metaverse. Often taken as synonyms, these two terms don’t...

Jumpstart your ideas into working concepts with Akeo Tech-Start
We help build a product that is both market ready and scalable.