Exploring the Role of Blockchain in Education
In all the developed countries, education is amongst the top industries in focus. The current education system is highly influenced and driven by technology. The technical advancements have transformed the education system at its core. Researchers and developers...
Sidechains- Answer to Blockchain Scalability Issues?
What are sidechains? Before understanding about sidechains, first understand this analogy on main chain and sidechains. Imagine the main chain as a national highway where vehicles can run and sidechains as the connecting roads joining the highway to cities. The...
Permissionless Blockchain vs Permissioned Blockchain – What’s Your Pick?
Blockchain for years lay quietly in the shadows under the limelight of Bitcoin. However, as soon as the potential of the distributed ledger technology was recognized, the research and development to adopt blockchain begun. In the original use case, blockchain is...
5 Common Blockchain Myths You Need to STOP Believing
Although the direction of the cryptocurrency market is downwards, Blockchain as a technology is showing no signs of slowing down. The distributed ledger technology offers a unique way of recording transactions on a network in a way that will make it secure and...
Top 8 Countries Using Blockchain Technology Around the World
Blockchain and cryptocurrencies are something that all industries, businesses, and organizations have figured out as disruptive and revolutionizing. In recent years, blockchain has witnessed exponential growth in various domains. With some countries are still trying...
Teknologidagen 2018: As It Happened
The world has come a long way from tackling with the internet to developing secured platforms for sharing sensitive data using DLT and APIs. How will trends in technology affect the industries, markets and client expectations to different services? This was the...
What is Blockchain?
Introduced in the year 2008, Blockchain was just known as core technology behind Bitcoin. The disruptive technology is termed as the fourth industrial revolution; the steam engine, electricity and information technology are known to be the first three. In his original...
What is Open Banking?
With an aim to make the banking safer and more secure for the consumers, the industry came up with a concept of sharing consumers’ transactional data with others through APIs. The concept coined as “Open Banking.” Now, what is open banking all about and why should you...
Blockchain Scalability Solutions Explained
In our last article, you read about one of the biggest problems of blockchain – Scalability. Here is the link to the article if you haven’t read it yet! Blockchain Scalability Issue Scalability has been a major setback for the blockchain technology. Over the years,...
Blockchain Scalability Issue: Everything You Need to Know
There is no shortage of industries where blockchain can be implemented. The concept of digital and decentralized ledger solution has come a long way and is now looking for mass adoption. However, the technology is still not problem-free. The major problem of the...
EVERIPEDIA: Wikipedia on Blockchain
Wikipedia is the most used and a powerful platform to find information online. It has a huge range of articles, where contributors are welcome to submit new articles and edit the existing ones. Based on the current platform, a start-up in California has launched...
Proof of Work vs Proof of Stake: A Perfect Guide for Beginners
Mining has always been a well-known concept for blockchain enthusiasts. The main purpose of mining is to record and validate transactions. It is based on Proof of Work (PoW) algorithm which is extremely resource-intensive and demanding. To bring down the energy...
Akeo Joins Edge196 as Technology Partners
About Edge 196 EDGE196’s vision and mission is to inculcate the status of empowering startups from around the globe. Our process leads to a global outreach including Global News, Global Startup competition, Global Summits, Startup Stories and The EDGE Entrepreneur...
What is Ethereum Casper Update and How does it Work?
If you have interest in blockchain technology and tend to read about it, you must be aware of the terms Ethereum Casper and ‘Proof-of-Stake.’ They have garnered more attention in the recent months as they hope to tackle the current issues with blockchain, majorly...
The Ultimate Guide to Bitcoin’s Lightning Network
When Bitcoin was first introduced to the world by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008, the first public comment that was made on the system contained a line “the way I understand your proposal, it does not seem to scale to the required size.” After a decade, scalability the...