Yes, we all are working miles away from each other but it has never stopped us from having fun. At Akeo, we always find these moments where we come together as a team to celebrate and bond. This time it was ‘Fun Employee Awards at Akeo’.
In every office you will find a certain set of people with a specific quality like a bunch of friends who are always together, a musician, a social media king/queen, or a sports lover. Why not highlight this uniqueness in each of us with an award. Top 10 categories of awards were decided and team members who have that unique feature were competing against each to grab the award.The categories included – ‘The Stand-Up Comedian’, ‘#1 Jodi’, ‘Thinks in Emoji’, ‘Social Butterfly’ and ‘Cool as a Cucumber’.
Now if you are thinking that just like other awards, these awards were rigged? No, no we had a fair polling system with which Akeo Team members gave their vote live to their favorite contender. We all thank ‘Kahoot’ for being such a great startup and a gaming platform.
When the winning contenders were giving their speeches it was no less than a shining Film awards night. What’s more? The winners also received a fun certificate to celebrate their win.
Do have a look at the images to know the winners and don’t forget to congratulate them!