Mar 5, 2018 | Blockchain and DLT
Dubbed as the “city of the future”, Dubai’s inclination towards technology has always been evident. In order to be ‘10 years ahead of other world cities’, the government launched ‘Dubai 10x initiative’. By the year 2020, the city hopes to become the...
Feb 27, 2018 | Blockchain and DLT
The rumors that cryptocurrency-focused financial service firm Circle is acquiring Poloniex turned out to be true; Circle released a statement yesterday confirming the acquisition. Media reported the deal to be of about $400 million, citing the name of an anonymous...
Jan 31, 2018 | Blockchain and DLT
The social media giant, Facebook yesterday uploaded a new blog post stating that it has revised its advertising policies. The platform now prohibits promotion of financial products and services related to bitcoin, binary options and ICO (Initial Coin Offering). Rob...
Jan 31, 2018 | Blockchain and DLT
Earlier it was publicized that Bank of England is planning to launch its own version of Digital Currency. The recent research report published on the Bank’s official website states puts a rests on the speculation. The bank has no current plans to issue a digital...
Dec 11, 2017 | Blockchain and DLT
“You might love it, or you might hate it, but you definitely can’t ignore it!” As buying and selling cryptocurrency is banned in the United States, NASDAQ has found a new way altogether to join the Bitcoin bandwagon. The world’s second largest Stock Exchange will...